Dear contributors and friends, Here is the last Transformap Community Report! Enjoy. As usual, the report lives also on the forum <https://discourse.transformap.co/t/community-report-4-19th-of-may-2016/1053>. Community The global Map Jam goes on! With over 300 participants, the third Map Jam organized by Shareable was successful and will be reconducted in June and October. Check out the Map Jam mapping guide <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hcxLZowxaXpE8FFcrflB8NEeB2XPKDwATdOR0k7QIn8/edit> (which we helped shape). Another round is planned during #SharingWeek betwen 5-11 June, check Shareable's website <http://www.shareable.net/blog/how-mapjam-is-connecting-the-global-sharing-movement> for more! Events map and Drupal integration for next Degrowth conference Transformap, through Ecobytes e.V., is supporting the web infrastructure for the 5th International Conference on Degrowth <http://budapest.degrowth.org>, which this year will take place in Budapest from August 30th to September 3rd. As part of an effort to downscale the local conference and massively disseminate it, a call for a global degrowth week of events parallel to the conference will be issue soon. Within an existing Drupal platform used by the degrowth network <https://co-munity.net/degrowth>, we are extending the existing event publishing feature. The first step was getting rid of the proprietary Google geocoder and replacing it with Mapzen, so that geocoded data on events can be used without restrictions <https://www.drupal.org/node/2722713>. This represent one more step in getting open geodata, this one on venue locations of the alternative economy, which will eventually feed the Transformap ecosystem. Tech First draft of Transformap's map vizualization tool A first mockup (visual draft) for the map is ready: https://media.taiga.io/attachments/8/2/3/d/511b30cd70f8eca801c04e83bfc2a7f4f.... The focus is on allowing users to choose their filters to customize what they view on the map. The mockup is just a first rough visualization, and questions / feedback is very welcome. Share your feedback here <https://discourse.transformap.co/t/feedback-to-the-1st-mockup-draft-for-the-transformap-susy-map-map-viewer/1054>. The current interface will focus on the englishspeaking implementation, meanwhile (with the above mentioned Wikibase) we prepare the translation process. Setting Transformap's Wikibase as our ontology server We are working to set up a Wikibase (clone of Wikidata) to act as our ontology server (so categories from various existing maps can used). At first, it will be used to host the SSEDAS filters, and then the TransforMap and many other taxonomies later. This Wikibase instance will also be used as the media server (images, texts). The upload of images does already work and is used in the SSEDAS maps development. SSEDAS taxonomy development On 24th May during the next SSEDAS Steering committee meeting the current draft of the 1st iteration will be approved to be implemented in the SSEDAS "SUSY-map". You can find the taxonomy items of the first iteration here until line 127 <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xSWyU1Ddy0luq8e6lGTWC1O89ilEWFndPBzFeEiZNWo/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=271443439> . Project Management Widening paid contributions We are redefining our user stories <https://tree.taiga.io/project/transformap/backlog>, to acknowledge the requirements from both the community and the projects (CHEST and SSEDAS) and matching them to specific buckets <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12xFdAOFklljqLp9j9i0OPdhnpaRVJmoicFlIEaYgnZI/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=255861766> - where both members from the current team and external contributors can get paid from. We expect to be ready up to the end of the month, and welcome any feedback on how to make budgeting and project management a process that can be pleasant and empowering for the Transformap community. -- Adrien Labaeye +49 176 3810 8605 | Skype ID: adrien.labaeye | Twitter: @alabaeye | transitionlab.de c/o Thinkfarm Berlin | Oranienstraße 183 | 10999 Berlin | (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG) http://berlin.thinkfarm.de/