Dear lists, following the events at the Degrowth conference, we have some new material to share; please intervene where appropriate to deliver your specialist commitment to our (de?)growing community. Pads: * (english) http://pad.sinnwerkstatt.com/p/14mmm_structure Structure of 14 MMM/transformap.coop process * (german) https://text.allmende.io/p/Degrowth-followup Nächste Meilensteine 2015 * (german) https://piratenpad.de/p/M4YU5hVvrt Protokoll: Arbeitstreffen nach Mapping-Workshop auf Degrowth Konferenz, Leipzig, 03.09.2014 Due to the current downtime of one of those and the historical outages we observed with the piratepad.net-Pads, please help in condensing a long-term documentation of this process. For this reason I have added a Wiki and it's first content page to the MMM/TransforMap "cloud" ( http://blog.14mmm.org , http://discourse.14mmm.org ) * https://wiki.14mmm.org/Degrowth_2014/ This page also contains questions from Degrowth's documentation form that I couldn't answer, yet. You are kindly invited to fill it up with the information from the Pads above, too. --- Still, one of the most urgent requests to be able to sufficiently continue with the 'Mapping the Mappings' process is the demand to get in touch with a lot more tech-savvy people to address infrastructure and Linked Open Data questions. Don't hesitate to set people in contact with me respectively us! Jon PS: Due to the availability of http://discourse.14mmm.org and the recent discussions that have been held on the maps@list.allmende.io mailing list, I reserve the right to switch the list to emergency moderation if it not used as an announcement list too often.