Community Report #5: Thursday 30 June 2016

Dear Transformap contributors and friends, After a month break, here is the latest delivery of our community reports. Enjoy the reading and pay attention (and disseminate!) to the call for mini-funding proposals! Best, Adrien for the Transformap core team. ------------------------------ Community Call for community proposals to be funded We have set 2000€ aside for the wider community to propose small activities to be funded. We are aiming at funding 4/5 buckets between 400-500€ each. Smaller or bigger proposals are also welcome. We are inviting anyone wishing to fund activities that will contribute to the Transformap vision to write start a thread on our forum here . All proposals will be reviewed by anyone in the community who expressed the wish to do it - this will be an experiment to open radically the decision-making, and hopefully paving the way to a more participative Transformap. Please disseminate to all who could be interested! Details are available here: Degrowth 2016 Some of us are going to 5th Degrowth conference in Budapest from Aug30th to Sep 3rd. There is a thread in Discourse <> about it. Who else will be in Budapest for Degrowth? We would be happy to meet you there! ------------------------------ Tech Transformap's Wikibase for maps' taxonomies The Transformap Wikibase <> is an interface based on the "Wikibase" plugin for Mediawiki that allows to store taxonomies and create connections between each elements of them. For example: 'community garden' is in the taxonomy of two different maps, those elements can be linked. This will be the base for merging different maps. It paves the way towards a systematic and machine readable documentation of maps' taxonomies, mirroring the way list all the maps of alternatives. A guide to create a new taxonomy can be found here <>. Proposal for ETL by James Lewis being reviewed The ETL (Extract-Transform-Load) component is a key piece of the infrastructure Transformap is putting together. It allow the extraction of data from a map, its transformation along a common standard, and the loadin of the data to our API (which then can feed any map or app with data). James has extensive experience in building a similar technical component. He produced for us a proposal as the basis of his coming work. We are currently reviewing it with him to set the basis of his work. More to follow soon! ------------------------------ Project Management CHEST We are coming to the end of an unusual complicated bureaucratic process with the CHEST consortium that has been fully independent of our will. We are waiting for money to be released and having some liquidity difficulty. We have oral agreement that we can extend the funded operations until the end of September and are waiting for a written confirmation. In the mean time, work is going ahead. SEDDAS A rough updated SSEDAS timeline has been presented to the SSEDAS partners recently. You can follow the development of the different task via the links to our Taiga: July - Translation of Filter System 1st iteration (July) - Map user interface 1st. iteration (July) September - Integration in SSEDAS site (Sept.) - Integration in partner websites (Sept/Oct.) October - 2.nd iteration of Filter System (Sept/Oct.) November - Translation of 2nd iteration of filters / menu items (Nov.) - Editor (incl. 2nd iteration of filters) (Nov.) | planning here: - Responsive Map User Interface 2nd iteration (Nov.) Stakeholder-Map in early 2017 -- Adrien Labaeye +49 176 3810 8605 | Skype ID: adrien.labaeye | Twitter: @alabaeye | c/o Thinkfarm Berlin | Oranienstraße 183 | 10999 Berlin | (3. Hof, Aufgang C, 3. OG)
participants (1)
Adrien Labaeye